E-Voting System in Town/City Council and County Board Meetings

Enable Fast, Digital Hand Voting/Counting

Enforce Standard and Custom Majority Rules

Put Council Members' Votes on Record

Visualize Your Council's or Board's Votes Instantly

Enforce Bylaws, Voting Regulations, FOIA Compliance

COVID-19 National Emergency and Public Health Emergency has been cancelled on May 11, 2023.
Meridia still recommends that you use Visual Vote Confirmation as a best practice in secure electronic voting.
Thank you for working with us so diligently over the last three years to make things work even in the most difficult of environments.

E-Voting System in Town, City, County, Board, and Council Meetings

Small and medium representative governments across the U.S. and the world have embraced the municipal meeting voting system in their legislative meetings. We integrate municipal voting system with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, WebEx, to create a hybrid of in-person and virtual participants, or if you prefer, disconnect from the internet and vote offline with just the clickers.

City Council Boards small and large have to vote on everyday issues that each town faces. Using the Meridia e-voting system clickers, they can securely cast their vote and get it on the record immediately.

The TownVOTE software uses a clear and easy-to-understand voting grid format with Visual Vote Confirmation that shows in real time whether each member voted, or it can be set up to show how each member voted after the vote is closed.

Ever since Meridia’s TownVOTE voting system replaced the hand and voice votes, when we livestream our business meeting, it makes it easy for councilors, staff and any members of the public to see and understand exactly how a councilor has voted and exactly what they are voting on. It adds so much clarity to the meetings, and it saves a lot of time over any voting confusion. The audience is especially pleased about the added accessibility features.

— Hedi Mueller, Democracy Advisor, City of Wellington, New Zealand

City of Wellington, New Zealand
City of Wellington, New Zealand

Primary Features

Identifiable Vote Confirmation (Vote Open)
Identifiable Vote Confirmation (Vote Open)
Identifiable Vote Confirmation (Vote Closed)
Identifiable Vote Confirmation (Vote Closed)
Speakers Queue
Speakers Queue
Speaker Timer (Projector View)
Speaker Timer (Projector View)

Representative City & Town Councils and County Boards Using Our E-Voting System

City of Wellington, New Zealand

Hedi Mueller
City of Wellington, New Zealand

City of London Corporation

David Mendoza-Wolfson
City of London, United Kingdom

Town of Kentville, NS, Canada

Jennifer West
Kentville, Nova Scotia

City of Butte-Silver Bow, MT Logo

Jason Parish
Butte-Silver Bow, MT

City of St. Petersburg, FL Logo

Lesley Ward
City of St. Petersburg, FL

City of Winter Park, FL Logo

Juan Urbina
City of Winter Park, FL

City of Greenville, TX Logo

Keith Seaman
City of Greenville, TX

City of Memphis, TN Logo

Andy Sheppard
City of Memphis, TN

City of Medina, TN Logo

Kim Gilley
City of Medina, TN

City of Cookeville, TN Seal

Brian Stamm
City of Cookeville, TN

City of Alliance, NE

Seth Sorensen
City of Alliance, NE

Town of Dewey-Humboldt, AZ Logo

Peter deBlanc
Town of Dewey-Humboldt, AZ

City of La Palma, CA Logo

Carlo Nafarrete
City of La Palma, CA

City of Gillette, WY Logo

Jeremy Harder
City of Gillette, WY

City of Caldwell ID Logo

Angie Point, IdCMC
City of Caldwell, ID

City of Wheeling, West Virginia Town Seal

Brenda J. Delbert
City of Wheeling, WV

City of Saginaw, TX Logo

Joe Colley
City of Saginaw, TX

City of Milpitas, CA Logo

Daniel Nam
City of Milpitas, CA

Clark County WA Logo

Mike Sprinkle
Clark County, WA

Town of Windermere FL Logo

Dorothy Burkhalter
Town of Windermere, FL

Town of Greenwich, CT

Alexis Voulgaris
Town of Greenwich, CT

Casco Maine Town Seal

Anthony Ward
Casco, ME

Naples Maine Town Seal

John Hawley
Naples, ME

Scotts Bluff County, NE Logo Seal

Kelly Sides
Scotts Bluff County, NE

City of McCloud OK Logo

Cody Roe
City of McLoud, OK

James City County, VA Logo

Christopher Williams
James City County, VA

Scholharie County, NY Emergency Services Logo

Lisa Cornell
Scholharie County, NY

City of West Hants, NS, Canada Logo

Jeff Hanshaw
West Hants, Nova Scotia

Madison County TN Logo

Matthew Presson
Madison County, TN

The League of California Cities Logo

Zach Seals
The League of California Cities

City of Yorba Linda Logo

Jeff Johnson
City of Yorba Linda

City of Roseville, CA Logo

Timothy Thrift
Roseville, CA

Kneehill County, AB Canada Logo

Barb Hazelton
Kneehill County, AB, Canada

City of San Angelo, TX Logo

Brian Groves
City of San Angelo, TX

City of St. Mary's

Kim Reiher
City of St. Mary’s, OH

City of Stamford

Valerie Rosenson
City of Stamford, CT

City of Bloomington IL

Craig McBeath
City of Bloomington, IL

Johnstown, CO

Meghan Martinez
Johnstown, CO

City of El Paso TX

Carlo Peterson
El Paso, TX

Edwards County KS

Gina Schuette
Edwards County, KS

Clark County NV

Asumi Sawa
Clark County, NV

Santa Rosa County FL

Janice Gilley
Santa Rosa County, FL

City of Casper WY

Michael Szewczyk
Casper, WY

Colchester, NS

Timothy Smith
Colchester, NS

Edmond, OK

Jim Roof
Edmond, OK

Stephenson County IL

Jazmin Wingert
Stephenson County, IL

Wisconsin County Boards Using Our E-Voting System

Marinette County WI Logo

Kathy Brandt
Marinette County, WI

Portage County WA Logo

Maria Davis
Portage County, WI

Kenosha County WI Logo

Belinda Lawrence
Kenosha County, WI

Taylor County WI

Andria Farrand
Taylor County, WI

Wood County, WI Logo

Trent Miner
Wood County, WI

Chippewa County WI

Andy Bauer
Chippewa County, WI

Adams County WI Logo

Liana Glavin
Adams County, WI

Sawyer County WI Logo

Lynn Fitch
Sawyer County, WI

Rock County WI

Lisa Tollefsen
Rock County, WI

Public/Municipal Utility and Transportation Districts Using our Voting System

South Placer Municipal Utility District

Chad Stites
South Placer MUD

East Bay Municipal Utility District

Erica Rutherford
East Bay MUD

Mason Public Utility District 3

Kelsey Browne
Mason PUD 3

Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)

Beth Wells
Sacramento MUD

Southern Public Power District

Jack Welch
Southern Public Power District

Fairfield Soil & Water Conservation District

Chad Lucht
Fairfield Soil & Water CD

North County Transit District (NCTD)

Hannah King
North County Transit District

Lunenburg Water District

Christie Schwinger
Lunenburg Water District

San Joaquin Council of Gov'ts (SJCOG)

Vikram Sharma
San Joaquin Council of Gov’ts (SJCOG)

Valley Metro, AZ

Kelly Cobb
Valley Metro, AZ

What do Clerks Say About TownVOTE?

How is TownVOTE Different?

We designed TownVOTE with you in mind. In fact, many Town Clerks’ thoughts and feedback went into designing it to what it is today.

Two largest government bodies in the U.S. – The House of Representatives and New Hampshire House of Representatives are using the system today in their legislative voting.

We always listened to our clients and made sure that their feedback is heard and implemented as soon as possible.

  • Security first. Our dedicated voting devices (clickers) use a closed-circuit, short-range, proprietary RF protocol.

  • We’ll take care of you on the phone or via email. Or learn at your own pace with help from our extensive Knowledge Base or training videos.

  • Customize your Voting Grid to show only what you need to see. Anonymize the results, or show how everyone voted. Suppress the ‘herd mentality’ or ‘herd voting.’

  • Stay offline. You don’t need internet to run things inside the meeting/board room.

  • Optionally, you can allow online participants to join the voting session, but you have the last word on whether to allow them in or not.

Easier. Cheaper. Simpler. RollCall Pro, CivicClerk/CivicVote or OpenMeeting Replacement.

Why pay an expensive annual subscription?

RollCall Pro and OpenMeeting software, as well as CivicClerk/CivicVote solutions are easily replaceable with Meridia’s TownVOTE dedicated, secure devices and software for all your municipal and county digital voting.

We will advise on the best transition and use of the new municipal meeting voting system, provide one-on-one online training and continue to support you and your staff along the way.

Contact us to have a better experience, better support and better meetings.

  • Cheaper - Why Pay Thousands of Dollars?

  • Plug & Play - Easy to Deploy.

  • Reputable - See Our Testimonials.

  • Secure - Offline by Default. Online if Needed.

Meeting & Voting Security Best Practices

Everyone involved in a town meeting, from the participants to the organizers need to do their part in ensuring that the voting is secure, accountable and accurate.

Meridia provides a highly secure, offline, close-circuit, short-range system that can be configured to your needs and defaults to a Visual Vote Confirmation for absolute vote integrity. As a meeting organizer, you need to make sure that the vote happens in a secure environment.

Visit our Electronic Voting Security page for full details. Here are a few highlights on how to make the meeting and especially the voting as secure as possible.

What Meridia System Offers

  • Proprietary Radio Frequency (RF) protocol with multiple layers of security checks, like detection of channel interference.

  • The close-circuit nature of the system and relatively short range means that only the people in the immediate vicinity of the system can vote.

  • You can ask that we ship the system so that only specific keypads can work with the pre-configured base receiver (antenna).

  • Lost clicker can be prevented from voting by removing it from the (required) participant list.

  • The software allows for keypads to be assigned to individuals, while still keeping the vote results anonymous.

  • Many voting screen configuration options, including Vote Confirmation Grid, Anonymous - No Grid, and combination thereof.

What You Need to Know

  • Distribute keypads only to the registered voters. Secure the remaining/undistributed keypads to prevent theft.

  • Secure the perimeter of the voting area. Make sure no unauthorized persons are in it.

  • Control the movement of voters in and out of the voting area. Collect keypads when they leave.

  • Make sure your computer running the Meridia software is up-to-date and secure.

  • Test the system before each meeting. Use one or two test questions to teach the audience how to use it.

  • Set up a Visual Vote Confirmation screen to allow the audience to audit their votes.

We recommend that you create a Checklist of things you need to do before each meeting and that you designate staff that will be responsible for each element/task. You can base your version of the Checklist on ours – find it in the Knowledge Base.

See How Governments Around the World Use TownVOTE

Town of Greenwich, CT, after two months of diligent Pilot program, used their electronic voting system for the first time on December 12, 2022.

Greenwich utilizes the Representative Town Government and holds Town Meetings where due to their specific requirements, they needed to use the Hybrid Mode in TownVOTE, which allows both offline and online participants cast their votes at the same time.

Town of Greenwich, CT – December 12, 2022

They were able to realize significant, 80% improvement in speed of voting, compared to the traditional methods and almost instant vote resolution.

Both online and offline Greenwich district representatives were also able to visually confirm their votes after they were cast, further improving the new method of voting.

Since 2018, we’ve partnered with the House Committee on Natural Resources, who utilize TownVOTE and clickers to record the votes at their Markup Meetings.

After previously using a lengthy voting process that involved individually recording the votes of each house member, transitioning to electronic voting allowed the committee to significantly cut down on the time for each vote while instantly confirming their results with visual vote confirmation.

Committee on Natural Resources (U.S. House of Representatives, – March, 2023)

Instead of individually calling upon each member to vote, they are able to vote on each motion together (at the same time), using our dedicated voting clickers. The results are automatically recorded by the software and visually represented in the Voting Grid, allowing the committee to confirm that every vote had been counted.

During the Council Meeting of City of Wellington in New Zealand, the items being voted on come up quick and they need to record the vote just as fast.

Wellington’s Democracy Advisor, Hedi Mueller says: “In the past, it wasn’t clear which clause the councilors were voting on, and it was difficult for the public to see and understand exactly how a member of the council has voted.” Now, the visual record of each vote and related reporting is immediately available to the Town Clerk and if needed, to the public, too.

Sometimes the councilors move multiple amendments so the TownVOTE software operator has to enter everything on the fly and quickly get back to the vote to continue the session. “To be able to prepare the entire agenda ahead of time, but also have the ability to enter any motion or amendment ad-hoc saves us a lot of headaches, and the visual clarity of each vote prevents any confusion and lost time” says Mueller.

Wellington City Council – Council – March 31, 2021

Wellington chooses to anonymize the votes during the vote to prevent ‘herd mentality‘, but shows how each person voted automatically after the vote closes.

The public watching the meeting session on Zoom can instantly see who is voting and what their vote is, since the TownVOTE software seamlessly integrates into their computer and audio-visual system.

Wellington City Council – Extraordinary Council Meeting – June 12, 2021

With the latest update, TownVOTE users can enable “high-contrast” mode so that the display is more accessible to people with color-blindness. The display can also be customized to show bigger visual elements, so that when it’s integrated with the A/V system and/or the Zoom broadcast, public can clearly see what’s being discussed, who voted, and how.

TownVOTE council electronic voting system


TownVOTE features an adjustable-size voting grid with Visual Vote Confirmation, so the council members know that their votes have been counted.

Article/Motion summary as well as the Pass/Fail status of each vote is shown for everyone to see, providing clear view and complete transparency to your voting process.

Reports consist of raw data in Excel format and actual, indisputable screenshots of what the voting grid looked like when polling was closed.

You have full control over whether to show the vote’s progress in real-time, or only at the end of the vote to prevent ‘herd mentality‘.

User can pre-enter the questions based on the current agenda and simply call them up in the order they were entered, or easily skip around in any order that becomes necessary.

If a motion is entered from the floor, or an amendment needs to be entered ad-hoc, just duplicate any existing topic or enter a new one in just two clicks and go right back to voting.

TownVOTE Identifiable Visual Vote Confirmation w Subs 12v Closed
Identifiable Visual Vote Confirmation 12-Person Board
TownVOTE Identifiable Visual Vote Confirmation no Subs 12v High Contrast Closed
Identifiable Visual Vote Confirmation in High-Contrast Mode

Purchase Our Clickers

All Meridia wireless audience response clickers have dedicated Yes/No/Abstain buttons and display for enhanced vote confirmation increasing voters’ confidence in the system and clearly confirming their activity.

Choose your clicker based on battery life, size, display or range.

Coin-Cell Batteries
(6-12 mo life)
Coin-Cell Batteries
(6-12 mo life)
AAA Batteries
(up to 4 year life)
AAA Batteries
(up to 4 year life)
5 voting buttons
10 voting buttons
10 voting buttons
13 voting buttons