We’ve had our hands full in the month of July, as we provided on-site technical support for two high profile clients: the American Postal Workers’ Union (APWU), and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Utilizing TownVOTE, the two organizations voted electronically on various articles and motions, streamlining their voting process and achieving a highly accurate result on particularly contentious votes.

The APWU’s twenty-seventh biennial convention, which ran from July 14-18, marked the organization’s first time transitioning from traditional vote-counting to electronic voting via voting clickers. The organization utilized a hybrid between “red and green card” voting and electronic voting, allowing each delegate to vote anonymously with a button press on their keypad which was then automatically tallied by TownVOTE. By utilizing a hybrid system of show-of-hands voting and the electronic voting clickers, the APWU was able to get the “best of both worlds” achieving a fast result using red and green cards during unanimous votes and a highly accurate result when voting on constitutional articles with the clickers.
The NAACP, who convened in Las Vegas from July 11-17 for their 115th national convention, made use of the system on the 16th as delegates voted on a variety of resolutions. Meridia’s TownVOTE handled the ballots of over 1300 voters and over 60 motions and amendments, with delegates casting their votes with a button press and seeing the results tallied on screen as soon as the vote was closed. This recent convention was our third time working with the NAACP, and continues the tradition of successful collaboration that began two years ago.

For more details about how the APWU and NAACP streamlined their voting processes, check out the press release.