Moravian Church Synod Upgrades to Electronic Voting

Moravian Church Synod 2023 Meeting

In a world where technology is rapidly shaping various aspects of our lives, it comes as no surprise that even traditional institutions like the Moravian Church are embracing digital innovations. The recent Moravian Church Synod held in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, made waves by adopting an electronic voting system. This move marked a significant step forward, streamlining the voting process and ensuring greater inclusivity and transparency within the congregation.

Religious and Tribal Organizations Around the Country are Using TownVOTE

Tribal Council Voting Chamber

Whether it be Seventh Day Adventists, the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, or the Snoqualmie Indian tribe, religious and tribal organizations across the country are meeting to elect officials and make important decisions for the future. That’s why religious and tribal groups of all sizes have been making the switch to Meridia’s TownVOTE electronic voting system, which proved to be the perfect alternative to the time-consuming process of counting votes manually.

Spring Town Meeting Season is in Full Swing

Rehoboth Town Meeting Voting

Since April, over 20 New England towns have conducted their annual meetings with the help of TownVOTE electronic voting software. Once a year (and sometimes more) towns across Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Connecticut come together in a formal setting to discuss, debate, and decide on matters that impact their lives and communities.

Introducing New Pre-vote Screen and Speakers’ Queue

Pre-Vote Screen During Debate - Minute-Taking, Electronic Speakers Queue, Speaker Timer

Managing debates and discussion during your meetings can be a tricky task- especially when multiple speakers are expected to take the microphone to argue for or against certain motions. That’s why we’d like to introduce TownVOTE’s new Pre-Vote screen and Speaker’s Queue. Now, users have the ability to manage speakers, set a timer, and take notes all in one convenient location.

Verify the Integrity of Each Vote with Visual Vote Confirmation

Open Meeting With Visual Vote Confirmation

When it comes to group voting in a professional setting, having the proper security measures in place is of utmost importance to ensure a smooth experience and accurate results. It’s unacceptable to have a voting session interrupted, or worse, find out that the results of a vote have been affected by an unknown source in any way.

Illinois Association of School Boards Uses Meridia Voting Clickers for the First Time

IASB conference voting

Recognized as one of the nation’s leading educational events, the Illinois Association of School Boards’ Joint Annual Conference is the association’s biggest meeting of the year, encompassing school boards, superintendents, school business officials, and more.

CVIM Battle of the Minds Uses Meridia’s Voting Keypads

CVIM Battle of the Minds Logo

The Battle of the Minds is The Centre Volunteers in Medicine’s signature fundraising event, where participants gather for a gala dinner with a twist; each table participates in a fast-paced trivia game show!
With the help of Meridia’s voting keypads and PowerPoint plugin software, the CVIM was able to make the Battle of the Minds trivia game show fully interactive with a dynamically updating leaderboard.

7th Day Adventists Across the Country are Using TownVOTE Electronic Voting System

7th Day Adventists Conference Electronic Voting System

Every five years, various 7th Day Adventist conferences meet to discuss and deliberate issues, bylaw changes, and more. Traditionally, all voting during these events was handled by pen-and-paper ballots and manual vote-counting. While this process allowed the conferences to conduct a secret ballot, the process was often stressful, tedious, and time-consuming.

NAACP Use Electronic Voting For the First Time During their 113th National Convention

NAACP Convention 2022 Electronic Voting

Meridia was called on by the NAACP to provide an electronic voting system for 3,500 delegates at their July 14-20th 2022 Annual Convention in Atlantic City, NJ. This year, in their first in-person meeting since 2019, for the first time in their 113-year history, NAACP chose to move away from voice and paper voting.

Churches of God Eastern Regional Conference Streamline their April Meeting With Electronic Voting

Churches of God Conference Sessions Banner

The Churches of God Eastern Regional Conference had used paper ballots for many years before switching to Meridia’s TownVOTE electronic voting system in April 2022. During this meeting, the conference used electronic voting for the first time to vote on new council members, as well as a large vote for a delegation of people they plan to send to their national conference.
