With Voting Concerns Growing, Security is More Important than Ever

Electronic Voting Security

As we gradually learn more and more about the extent to which foreign governments might have tampered with the 2016 election in the United States, governments and organizations that depend on voting are understandably concerned about how they’ll be affected by ongoing security issues.

Associations Win When Audience Response Technology is on the Agenda

Gather Feedback in Associations

Because the American system of government is one that relies on democratic principles, the system of governing by majority rule has naturally carried over into the non-governmental realm of our boards and associations.

Audience Response Technology Improves the Classroom Experience

classroom performance system

The acceptance of electronics in the modern classroom is one that has proven a boon to students, who can more easily transcribe notes and access Internet-based source material being used in a lecture. Inversely, they have also become easy distractions from ongoing lectures. Random web searches, gaming or consumption of unrelated media could be taking place if they aren’t properly engaged.

Electronic Voting Lets HOAs Govern More Effectively

Homeowners Association HOA Electronic Voting System

One of the signs of a civilized society is the establishment of governing bodies to set and enforce rules for communities.
A modern version of this is the neighborhood homeowners’ association, which has emerged from the suburban expansion of housing developments and condominiums during the late 20th century.

Electronic Voting Helps Greek Organizations Avoid the Rush

fraternity sorority electronic voting

There’s a reason fraternities and sororities refer to the first few weeks of college as “rush.” For those hoping to join a Greek organization at their school, it’s a fun but also hectic, stressful time.

From a Show of Hands to the Push of a Button

electronic voting and elections

The modern business environment has benefitted in myriad ways from advancements in technology. But there’s one real in which many boardrooms are still stubbornly stuck in the 20th century – voting.

A Clearer Picture of Medical Team Stress

Physician Burnout Training

It’s no secret that being a doctor is a high-stress career. The constant pressure of making life-and-death decisions, as well as those that might have long term effects on not just patients, but also their families and loved ones, can wear down even the toughest professional.

Keep Your Team Focused During Active Shooter Response Training

Active Shooter Response Training

The tragedies of mass shootings never seem out of the news cycle for long these days. It’s an unfortunate reality of modern life that, no matter what the cause or motivation, some people will attack a school or workplace intent on taking as many lives as possible.

Audience Response Technology Streamlines Classroom Testing

Student Response Systems

If you ever want to see a classroom full of students simultaneously roll their eyes, speak the words “pop quiz.”
But it’s not just the students that groan. These impromptu assessments of student skills can take a toll on teachers, as well. Along with pulling together questions based on the subject matter, there’s the toil of presentation, paper collection, hand grading and returning results to students.

Adaptive Teaching Customizes Curricula for Individual Learners

Adaptive Learning Infographics

In just about any instructional environment, a teacher or trainer is typically faced with learners who represent a wide variety of experience and a diverse body of knowledge coming into a class or seminar.
