Chicago City Council Purchased an Electronic Voting System – How Does it Stack Up?

Chicago Council Electronic Voting

Chicago City Council finally decided to purchase an electronic voting system for $500,000, they were aiming to simplify, speed up and organize their voting process and bring it to the 21st century. Let’s see how their voting system compares to what Meridia offers.

The Importance of Haptic Feedback for Visually-Impaired Audiences

ADA Compliant Badge Logo

Meridia’s software and hardware serves a wide array of public – including those with visual impairment.  For those who have color-blindness, are hard-of-seeing or legally blind, voting on important issues in their community can be difficult using electronic devices.

We have worked with our clients and developed a keypad that not only gives the user haptic feedback they need in order to know whether they are pushing an actual button, but also provides a Braille symbol for Yes, No, and Abstain vote. Plus, it makes a sound when you push the button, so you know you voted.

Live! Casino & Hotel “Winner Takes All” Cutthroat Game

Winner Takes All Logo

When the Live! Casino & Hotel came to us with a request to use the clickers as a method to play a cutthroat, “Winner Takes All” game at their property in Philly, we didn’t hesitate for a minute. The first game took place on November 20, 2021 and the second on February 19, 2022.

With each successive round promising a higher cash prize at the risk of going home with nothing, the stakes were high as the entire game was controlled through Meridia’s voting software and keypads.

Eastern PA Youth Soccer Association Used Meridia’s Weighted Voting

Eastern PA Youth Soccer Association (EPYSA) hired Meridia to provide electronic voting services with weighted voting for their February 27th business meeting in Plymouth Meeting, PA.
Since the event was fully virtual, all the voting had to happen remotely, via our CloudVOTE service.

Meridia Supports NY Democratic Party Convention with Their Advanced Voting System

New York State Democratic Convention

NY State Democratic Party owns a 300-keypad electronic voting system from Meridia Interactive Solutions that allows them to compile weighted votes from each delegate, their proxies, and visually display the voting process in real time. For their Party Convention on February 17th, Meridia also provided expert on-site technical support at the New York’s Sheraton Time Square Hotel as the stakes were high in nominating the Party’s candidate for the New York Governor.

“Billionaire” Game Show with an Educational Twist

When Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation reached out to us about their upcoming game show and the need to integrate audience clickers into the meeting program, we were ready. We’ve done similar programs for two other NY Jewish communities that needed a fun, engaging and memorable game show experience.

Electronic Voting for a Multi-Room Town Meeting

Town of Stow 2020 Town Meeting Voting - Indoor Auditorium Location

Towns like Stow, Raynham or Seekonk had to use multi-room voting to accommodate the need for social distancing when a single space couldn’t hold enough residents. The solution Meridia can provide covers two rooms with a single receiver, extending the reception range and enabling every vote to be counted.

The Michigan Farm Bureau Utilizes CloudVOTE in an Unconventional Hybrid Meeting

Michigan Farm Bureau Headquarters

The Michigan Farm Bureau was met with some unique challenges during their November 30th meeting. With pandemic restrictions in mind, a portion of voters needed a way to stay connected throughout the meeting remotely. By utilizing CloudVOTE software along with Zoom, the Bureau held a hybrid meeting where everyone felt like they were in the same room.

Seekonk, MA Town Meeting Utilizes Meridia Electronic Voting System For The First Time

Seekonk, MA Town Meeting, November 2021

The town of Seekonk, MA implemented electronic voting systems for the first time during their November 8th fall town meeting, allowing them to vote, tabulate, and record the results of their Warrant articles and amendments quickly, accurately, and efficiently.
