Town Meeting Season is Upon Us
The 2022 town meeting season is in full swing, with dozens of New England towns convening once again to vote on issues that affect their lives and communities.
The 2022 town meeting season is in full swing, with dozens of New England towns convening once again to vote on issues that affect their lives and communities.
The town of Sterling, MA used Meridia’s voting keypads and software during the Pandemic in 2020, and 2021 to hold a massive outdoor meeting at their local airport. Now their 2022 town meeting brought them back indoors, proving the flexibility and speed of the EZ-VOTE electronic voting system and keypads.
In their new faced-paced segment, WeTweet, Jimmy Fallon and the Tonight Show teamed up with Meridia to engage their audience with custom EZ-VOTE keypads. With three simple options, “Yes, No, or Abstain,” and the ability to count votes automatically, the system was a breeze to use for Jimmy and everyone involved.
Chicago City Council finally decided to purchase an electronic voting system for $500,000, they were aiming to simplify, speed up and organize their voting process and bring it to the 21st century. Let’s see how their voting system compares to what Meridia offers.