What is Ranked Choice Voting?

Preferential Ranked-Choice Voting

Maine has implemented ranked choice voting for both its federal and state elections. Localities in California, Colorado, Massachusetts, and half a dozen other states have adopted it for municipal elections. But what is ranked choice voting?

Straight vs. Cumulative Voting

Straight vs Cumulative Voting

One question that frequently challenges the cooperative principles that should be guiding a housing cooperative is the question of cumulative voting vs. straight voting. Both cumulative voting and straight voting are accepted ways to conduct the nomination and election of board members, but the different outcomes they produce could result in different people becoming involved in the management of a cooperative.

Streamlining decision-making in co-op housing votes

Co-Op Voting & Elections

How can an online voting system or electronic voting system help a housing cooperative? Every co-op board runs into voting situations that are nuanced and that’s where the electronic voting provides anonymity, transparency, speed and permanent record needed to make the right decisions.

Giving a voice to those who are silent

Anonymous Feedback

Reticence. It’s a fancy word that means a “reluctance to speak about something” and reticence is often the last thing that a board wants to encounter when asking voters to speak their minds.

Marking down the markup votes

United States House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources Banner

“Laws are like sausages,” is it said. “Best not to see them being made.”
While that may be true for most people, if you’re a member of a conference committee or a subcommittee charged with creating laws, you need to pay close attention to how those laws are made.

Capturing the Vote in your Co-Op

Co-Op Voting & Elections

All cooperatives have at their core the same fundamental principles: The cooperative—or co-op—is owned and managed by its members, all of whom share in the profits or benefits of the co-op itself.

Bullet Voting: A Better Shot at an Election

Bullet Voting

What is bullet voting? Basically, bullet voting—also known as single-shot voting or plump voting—is a tactic used when voters who could vote for multiple candidates actually vote only for the one candidate whom they most want to see among the winners.

Streamlining Team and Club Voting

Sport Associations & Club Electronic Voting

Every organization has a leadership team – whether that’s headed by a team captain or a club president. And while there are club apps and apps for team management, those don’t really address questions related club voting, let alone team or club roles and responsibilities. They’re more about scheduling events and managing member. The election of club officers remains an unsupported issue.

Electing a Credit Union Board of Directors

Board Meeting Elections

Credit Unions distinguish themselves from other financial institutions in many ways, but one of the most basic arises from the fact that they are governed by the members of the institution. Section 111 of the Federal Credit Union Act (Revised) specifies that members shall elect the credit union’s board of directors from their own ranks.

Spoilt Ballots – Spoiled Vote

Electronic Voting System Candidate Selection

Remember the hanging chad? That something so slight – a tiny fillip of paper dangling from the back of a punch card ballot – could result in the declaration of a spoiled ballot still rankles a large portion of the American electorate.
