What Is The Role of Parliamentarians in Our Election System?

Parliament US Capitol

Basic knowledge of the parliamentary procedure can fall short in situations where the rules aren’t clear-cut, require special consideration, or just aren’t ingrained in the heads of board or committee members like multiplication tables or the ingredients for a good martini.

With 2018 Midterm Elections, Voting Security Was In the News Again

Midterm Elections 2018

As the United States went through the 2018 midterms elections on Nov. 6, officials and voters were once again voicing concerned about the security and reliability of the nation’s voting systems.

Sometimes a Simple Majority Isn’t So Simple

Simple Majority Voting

When most people think of voting, the determining tally most of us think of is a simple majority. That is, whoever receives one more vote than half the number of voters is the winner.

When One Vote Matters More Than Another

Electronic Weighted Voting System

When voting is mentioned in the United States, it’s a fair assumption that most people take that to mean that one person equals a single vote. After all, it’s the foundation of our system of democracy, right? Well, sort of.

Proxy Voting Persists in the World of Corporate Governance

Electronic Proxy Voting System

In a political system that prides itself on the privacy of the vote, such as ours in the United States, it might seem unethical to assign your vote to another person because you can’t be present to cast it yourself. However, when the U.S. was little more than a collection of colonies with sparsely populated settlements, this process was tolerated – and sometimes encouraged – purely out of necessity.

Voting Software Solves the Large Voting Pool Problem

Electronic Voting System Hand Vote Replacement

When it comes to voting and accuracy, smaller associations and governing bodies have a decided advantage. Whether voting by voice, ballot or show of hands, it’s unlikely that anyone’s vote will get overlooked or improperly counted.

Ensuring the Accuracy and Security of Political Nominations

Electronic Voting System Security

The nominating process for political office is, in many places, mired in traditions that don’t lend themselves to efficient and accurate voting.

With Voting Concerns Growing, Security is More Important than Ever

Electronic Voting Security

As we gradually learn more and more about the extent to which foreign governments might have tampered with the 2016 election in the United States, governments and organizations that depend on voting are understandably concerned about how they’ll be affected by ongoing security issues.

Associations Win When Audience Response Technology is on the Agenda

Gather Feedback in Associations

Because the American system of government is one that relies on democratic principles, the system of governing by majority rule has naturally carried over into the non-governmental realm of our boards and associations.

Electronic Voting Lets HOAs Govern More Effectively

Homeowners Association HOA Electronic Voting System

One of the signs of a civilized society is the establishment of governing bodies to set and enforce rules for communities.
A modern version of this is the neighborhood homeowners’ association, which has emerged from the suburban expansion of housing developments and condominiums during the late 20th century.
