Chicago City Council Purchased an Electronic Voting System – How Does it Stack Up?

Chicago Council Electronic Voting

Chicago City Council finally decided to purchase an electronic voting system for $500,000, they were aiming to simplify, speed up and organize their voting process and bring it to the 21st century. Let’s see how their voting system compares to what Meridia offers.

The Importance of Haptic Feedback for Visually-Impaired Audiences

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Meridia’s software and hardware serves a wide array of public – including those with visual impairment.  For those who have color-blindness, are hard-of-seeing or legally blind, voting on important issues in their community can be difficult using electronic devices.

We have worked with our clients and developed a keypad that not only gives the user haptic feedback they need in order to know whether they are pushing an actual button, but also provides a Braille symbol for Yes, No, and Abstain vote. Plus, it makes a sound when you push the button, so you know you voted.

Live! Casino & Hotel “Winner Takes All” Cutthroat Game

Winner Takes All Logo

When the Live! Casino & Hotel came to us with a request to use the clickers as a method to play a cutthroat, “Winner Takes All” game at their property in Philly, we didn’t hesitate for a minute. The first game took place on November 20, 2021 and the second on February 19, 2022.

With each successive round promising a higher cash prize at the risk of going home with nothing, the stakes were high as the entire game was controlled through Meridia’s voting software and keypads.
